
>> Windows Association

This is Microsoft’s definition for ”associate”:

To identify a filename extension as belonging to a certain application, so that when you open any file with that extension, the correct application is opened automatically.

For example, by default, Windows associates .BMP files with the Paint application, and .htm files with the Internet-Explorer application. Most Windows application installation procedures create associations. For example, Exel for Windows creates an association for .XLS files, while UltimateZip creates associations for files with the following extensions: ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, BZ2, CAB, ENC, GZ, HA, JAR, LHA, LZH, PAK, PK3, PK_, RAR, TAR, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, UU, UUE, UZE, UZB, WAR, XXE, Z, ZIP, ZOO. To open these archivetyps by Double clicking UltimateZip must be propperly associated to them.

UltimateZip uses these associations when you Double Click on an archive file listed in an Explorer window.

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